Catherine Kanner is an award-winning designer, creative director and iIllustrator working in Los Angeles, California. She has designed and illustrated more than 40 books including her own texts. She served as Design Director for Los Angeles Ballet from the company’s inception through August, 2022, and has been a regular contributor to the Los Angeles Times Opinion Section - with her editorial illustrations syndicated to 2,000 newspapers in the U.S. and 1,000 worldwide. Catherine has won numerous illustration and design awards including the Society of Newspaper Design Award, Print’s Regional Design Award, the Louie Award and Rounce & Coffin Awards for excellence in book design. Catherine was been inducted in the Album Cover Hall of Fame her cover for Bob Dylan’s Slow Train Coming.
Services include:
Advertising, Edtiorial & Book Illustration
Art Direction
Book Design
Branding/Logo Design & Identity
Business Collateral & Advertising
Catalog & Magazine Design
Digital Creatives
Digital Advertising
Social Media
Email Promotions
Event Promotion & Invitations
Graphic Design
Greeting Card Illustration & Design
Key Art
Photo Retouching & Composing
Web Design
Strategic Marketing and Public Relations Services available
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